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System Integration of Design Automation with PDM, ERP, CRM and CAM

The Lino team’s many years of experience and methodological competence have made us a premium consultant able to implement System Integration of Tacton Design Automation and Software Made by Lino® with almost any system landscape (PDM, ERP, CRM, CAM)..

PDM integration

Design automation solutions are seldom integrated independently of PDM systems. In most cases, it is essential that the design automation solution be integrated in existing company-specific processes in order to achieve maximum utility.

Typical requirements

  • How can the CAD models generated using the design automation solution be transferred to the PDM system with minimal overhead?
  • How can the numbering of the newly generated objects be generated automatically using the number ranges of the PDM system?
  • How can you prevent multiple instances of geometrically identical components from being generated and stored in the PDM system?
  • How can up-to-date information stored in the PDM system be accessed during the configuration process?
  • How can version and revision tracking of the rule set be optimally administered in the PDM system?

Software Made by Lino®-Produkte was developed to handle mainstream requirements of this type, e.g. For Solidworks PDM and keytech PLM.

Additionally, numerous customized integrations have been developed for a variety of PDM systems, as well as for database systems such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.

ERP integration

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems track all relevant data of a manufacturing enterprise that relates to order, production and delivery processes. ERP integration solutions generate and update basic data such as items, bills of material and work plans. These can be created automatically when generating new product variants. When a quote configured using Tacton is ordered, the order-relevant data is automatically generated in the ERP so that the order items can be selected correctly, completely and rapidly. All order-related documents and drawings are generated and linked. ERP integration solutions are available for SAP, Infor, ProAlpha and other systems.

CRM integration

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is used to administer customer and sales data, including addresses, contacts, the communication history and of course quotations. When the solution is fully integrated, quotations configured using Tacton are generated and administered directly in the user interface of the CRM system. This System Integration is available for Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics and other systems. Enterprise data can be accessed in a simplified form using just the Tacton CPQ system.

CAM integration

Most modern CAM systems based on Solidworks are feature-oriented. As 3D model variants generated using Tacton describe the models to be fabricated completely and always have the same internal structure (for instance in feature names and definitions), NC programming systems have an easy time processing such variants. The CAD models do not bear the unique hallmarks of the designer. This is an excellent basis for automated NC programming – and the Tacton export enables you to generate the file formats you actually need automatically and systematically. The contour generation calculated in Tacton can also be used for NC programming. Contour data can be derived from the configuration result using a defined process and described in the NC programming file using the Tacton document generation tool. The result: automatic generation of NC data!

So the easy-to-use rules editor in Tacton Design Automation was a key factor for us in choosing this system.

Timo Schenk, Project Manager Configuration at Gerhard Schubert GmbH

The right software for System Integration:

Tacton Design Automation
Tacton Design Automation is directly integrated into the Solidworks user interface. This allows you to automate the creation of 3D models, drawings and parts lists. Tacton Design Automation provides Solidworks users with the benefits of Design and Sales Automation.
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Lino® PDM pro
Lino® PDM pro is designed to integrate Tacton Design Automation with various PDM/PLM systems. The integration tool is currently provided with adapters for four PDM systems (SOLIDWORKS PDM, PRO.FILE, keytech PLM, SAP PLM). The functional scope in the area of document creation is different for all adapters.
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Lino® ERP pro
With Lino® ERP pro, Tacton Design Automation and Solidworks can be integrated with various ERP systems. The Lino team has experience with SAP, MS Dynamics AX, MS Dynamics Navision, Sage, ABAS, Infor, ProAlpha, PSIpenta, AMS, Baan and IFS. The integration tool is connected via a web service that complies with the current industry standard.
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Lino® 3D web
Lino 3D web is the revolutionary parametric 3D product design and quotation tool for the web in combination with a configurator! From now on, you can provide your sales force and end customers with a powerful 3D visualization tool as part of your configurator for quoting, product design and configuration.
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Do you have questions about our portfolio, would you like a consultation or would you like to arrange an individual live demo of our 3D configuration solution based on your models?

Please use the form below to contact us. We will subsequently contact you as soon as possible and send you the requested information.

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Lino GmbH Mainz
Phone +49 6131 32 785-10

Lino Schweiz GmbH

Mühlestrasse 4
8108 Dällikon
Telefon +41 44 5624032

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  • Software-Vertrieb

Lino GmbH Bad Mergentheim

Johann-Hammer-Strasse 24
97980 Bad Mergentheim
Phone +49 7931 95 349 96

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  • Software-Entwicklung

Lino GmbH Austria

Rossa 25
3823 Raabs an der Thaya
Phone +43 2845 70119

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Lino GmbH Stuttgart

Friedrichstr. 15
70174 Stuttgart
Phone +49 711 490 508 45

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Lino GmbH Dresden

Chemnitzer Strasse 117
01187 Dresden
Phone +49 6131 32 785-10

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Lino GmbH Bremen

Hermann-Koehl-Strasse 7
28199 Bremen
Phone +49 421 96 01-180

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Lino GmbH Mainz

Große Bleiche 15
55116 Mainz
Phone +49 6131 32 785 -10

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  • Software-Entwicklung
  • Software-Vertrieb
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Gerhard Schubert GmbH
Huge time savings and design dependability

Gerhard Schubert GmbH now uses a combination of Lino® 3D layout and Tacton Design Automation to configure its complex packaging lines.

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Lino GmbH
Leading Innovation

Accelerate sales and engineering!

We support enterprises in the machine tool and plant equipment industry with premium consulting for end-to-end automation of business processes, as well as corresponding software solutions for design and sales automation, system configuration, VR/AR and web 3D visualization.

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