New version Lino® 2D fix available

Lino GmbH, based in Mainz, Germany, introduces the new version 2.0 of its automatic drawing correction software. The Lino® 2D fix application automatically performs a repositioning of dimensions, texts, form and position tolerances, surface symbols and parts list symbols in drawings of the 3D CAD software Solidworks® after design changes.

The operating concept of the Solidworks add-in is to determine the positions of all relevant drawing objects such as dimensions, texts, etc. with a single mouse click and to save them with the Solidworks drawing. This is done in relation to the relevant context of the element, which is determined automatically and can be, for example, a view boundary, an outer edge of the body or even a feature.

When a 3D design is modified – either manually or by any configurator application – out-of-place drawing objects can be automatically moved to a suitable position using the “magic wand” function. The previously time-consuming manual repositioning is now a thing of the past. Lino 2D fix solves tricky positioning tasks within seconds and thus makes automated drawing creation possible.

With version 2.0, the operation of Lino 2D fix has once again been drastically simplified – without sacrificing advanced control options for complex positioning tasks. In particular, the repositioning of radius and diameter dimensions is greatly simplified.

Furthermore, Lino 2D fix masters the automatic dimensioning of layout plans and layouts, which were created with the SolidWorks add-on application Lino® 3D layout. In addition to dimensions of the layout components, dimensions for the resulting chains are also generated and arranged in the drawing using a sophisticated algorithm. Optionally, parts list position balloons can be generated.