Up until just recently, Seydelmann KG only used 2D layout plans in the beginning of project. This manufacturer of food production equipment was looking for a leading-edge solution that enables more flexible and attractive sales presentations. Seydelmann expected Lino® 3D layout to give them a major technological boost – but what they got was a whole lot more.
Maschinenfabrik Seydelmann produces sophisticated cutters, mixers, grinders and emulsifiers for food processing. As a global leader this southern Germany-based enterprise offers machines in every size category – for small trade businesses and large industrial production alike. Seydelmann responds to market changes such as the increasing demand for vegetarian foods with innovations, for instance customized machines for processing vegetable proteins.
Automated single-source solutions that integrate seamlessly in existing production processes are a further success factor. To offer this exceptional performance, Seydelmann must take the customer’s existing conveyor technology, production process and physical site conditions into account. This is a regularly recurring challenge for Sales, Planning, Design and Production. Previously, Seydelmann’s engineers relied mainly on their own know-how and 2D line layouts in AutoCAD. But particularly when talking to buyers with no technical background, the 2D layouts were of little help. Imprecise specification of pickup and handoff heights or inclination angles in the conveyor technology made routine sales processes more difficult – as did the low levels of clarity and attractiveness.
In order to stand out from the competition and enhance its sales efforts, Seydelmann once more chose to innovate: they set out to find a solution that makes possible transparent, attractive 3D layouts while integrating seamlessly with the company’s long-standing design platform Solidworks. After experiencing a demonstration at a reference customer’s site, Seydelmann rapidly decided in favor of Lino’s package consisting of Tacton® Design Automation (TDA) and Lino® 3D layout. As add-ins, both apps integrate completely in Solidworks, enabling automated, rule-based processes with no media discontinuities. That fact that the logic and the central rule set of Lino’s solution is easy to understand and use made Seydelmann’s decision even easier.
The software generated value for Seydelmann right from the start: its intuitive operation within Solidworks enables designers to drag and drop components into the layout correctly every time and configure them in context. For Seydelmann, the integration in Solidworks opens up seamless, end-to-end processes that are replicated in the CAD solution in full: a dummy generated in Sales can also be used by Design complete with all its features (parts, dimensions, angles, etc.). And most importantly, the sales engineers receive state-of-the-art 3D layouts that show entire production lines in their planned site, in varying levels of detail depending on the purpose of the presentation, and suitable for demonstration in Zoom meetings as well – an inestimable advantage, as Seydelmann has discovered.
Learn more about the Seydelmann project in the detailed case study.